Remembering Lorelei

My Other Web Sites
Richard King
Havant, Hampshire, UK






About Me

Jo, my Wife

Jo and Lorelei

Coincidences and the Book

Visit Havant and S.E. England

Richard King:
My Other Web Sites

Site Map































































These are the Links to my other Web Sites. For more details please scroll down.

Richard King: (My new Home Site)

RLK Associates:

Wessex Alternative Connections:;

Psychic Engineer:

Richard’s Journal:

Richard’s Psychic Realm:

Web Log (Blog):

Lorelei’s Web Site:; (This Web SIte)

Lorelei Tourism:

Lorelei Links; other Loreleis on the Web:;

Richard King, Home Page:

Richard King, Home Page (Original Web Site):

Most of these Web Sites were new as of September 2004. since then they have become better established. My Business Site ( and the Web Log ( have been on the Internet the longest and the old Home Pages ( and longer still. Lorelei's Site/Page (; is published. The others will need somewhat more work.

Any Links which default to my business Web Site (, or are not showing at present, are a result of the URL being registered and part of the Web Space at my Host but the actual Site not having been completed for uploading.

More Detail

Richard King:
This is my new Home Site and is meant to be a basic, relatively quick introduction to my background and surrounding events. The original Sites are still at the old Lineone adresses, or can be accessed through hte shorter addresses, i.e. the Old Home page at and the Orignal Home Page at

RLK Associates:
This is my Business Web Site which, thanks in part to links from the East Hampshire Chamber of Commerce and Industry (, of which I am a Member, and the Portsmouth and South East Hampshire Chamber of Commerce ( and Industry, holds up well on Search Engines, even on Google. Though this Web Site, along with my other Sites. seemed to do rather better on Yahoo and more United Kingdom based and biased Search Engines such as BBCi.

Wessex Alternative Connections:;
Wessex Alternative Connections is my principal alternative, non-phsical Web Site. in some respects one or two of my other Sites may well overtake it. However, in view of the area that Wessex can be considered to cover, Wessex Alternative Connections should grow into a substantial Site in its own right. The concept for and genesis of the SIte is expaline on the Web Site itself though originates from the idea of a companion Site for Sussex Alternative Connections (

Psychic Engineer:
This is my personal psychic, non-physical, Web Site. Part of the reason for setting it up was to provide somewhere to explain certain matters, as far as I am able, which seem to confuse or by-pass others. There are obviously great limits to my knowledge and abilities but my combination of technical and scientific knowledge with non-physical knowledge and ever growing experience is not very common, to say the least. That is with having a discarnate Soulmate (Lorelei) who was a Legend in one of her lifetimes, one of the many we have spent in the physical world together.

Richard’s Journal:
This Web Site derives, to a large extent, from a need to by-pass the lack of publicity available locally, which is explained on the Web Site itself. In a sense it derives from the Original Web Site ( and the Web Log ( being, essentially, a combination of both approaches. Hence it is a combination of Journaling and a repository for E-mails and Letters which I feel would benefit from a wide audience.

Richard’s Psychic Realm:
The Psychic Realm Site is intended as a Psychic explanation and journal Site, being more for my non-physical experiences rather than my other Journal Site which is for physical world developments. However, it could also evolve to include discussion and contributions from others than my personal experiences; hopefully it will do jsut that.

Web Log (Blog):
Partly as a result of the difficulty of obtaining publicity in this part of Hampshire I decided to put up a Web Log. i have not always found it easy to keep it up to date, partly because of events that will, eventually be published in autibiograpahical books, though are likely to appear on the Internet in some form before then.

Lorelei’s Web Site:;
This web Site was dictated by Lorelei and built by me. At present it is a fairly simple affair (just one page) and, for the time being at least, Lorelei has no plans for it to grow any larger.

Lorelei Tourism:
The received opinion on the value of our story to tourism is that it is very substantial. on that basis I considered it sufficent to warrant a seprate Web Site.

Lorelei Links; other Loreleis on the Web:;
The Lorelei Links Site derives from one I came across while searching the Web for matters relating to Lorelei, or other Loreleis. The version I came across was a “Fun Site” ( which is connected to what some people regard as fun, if you like that sort of thing; see my/our comments on; the dubious version of the other Links Site is the same as the Fun Site but without the Lorelei part pluralised.

Richard King, Home Page:;
This is at a Line One address, taken over by Tiscali, with a short link. In principle it is my original Web Site, less the negative inclusions (see below). It was in the process of being rebuilt when I upgraded my computer and decided to build a number of Web Sites and place them with a non-ISP host.

Richard King, Home Page (Original Web Site):;
This Web Site is in many respects much the same as the above Site ( except that it contains the “negatives” already mentioned. Largely as a result of a degree of frustration at lack of progress in certain matters and areas I decided to republish it.